Teacher Next Door

Teacher Next Door

Our most respected teachers, dear classmates and especially to our Senpai, Mr. Richard Raqueno. A pleasant day to all of you.

 “ Teachers are the one that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual.” As we look back there is always that nostalgic feeling, remember when we were in Kindergarten. The way we cried and  how we look to our parents begging and uttering “ Ma! Pa! I don’t want to go”?  And  suddenly here comes the person who’s there smiling and approaching that everything will going to be fine.

   And now, it’s an opportunity to share few words and give a message for our teacher, Mr. Richard Raqueño. We all know that every person has their own story, how they was able to face the problems and become what they are now.

  Mr. Richard Raqueño is the son of Mr. Roberto and Lydia Raqueño. A loving husband to his spouse Mrs. Margie Raqueño and a caring father to Mae Belle and Rainville.


He studied in Sta. Central School and Cabittaogan High School with 1st Honorable Mention. And finish his study in University of Northern Philippines. He holds a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Math as well a higher diploma, Master of Arts in Mathematics Education.

    Mr. Richard Raqueño has also his book Project Master which is a Math workbook for High School. For him, wanting to achieve more or to desire for more is not bad as long as you keep your feet on the ground. That’s why he became better of what he thinks he cant do. He is now a Web Developer, TESDA trainer specialized in ICT Computer Hardware Servicing and Programming with National Accreditation from TESDA and Holder of Computer Hardware Servicing NC II and Local Guiding NC II.

    And now he’s not just teaching math, he is now also a teacher who’s skilled in Web Design, Graphic arts and Design and Computer  Hardware Systems Servicing.

     He is one of the person that believes that anyone can be a better version of them as long as you believe in yourself. He is the real definition of “ keep your feet  on the ground” as he characterized a practical attitude towards life not getting carried away.